It's impossible to achieve full Historicity and Realism in HoI
but we should try

The first and only WW2 Mod with total deep Realism and Historicity, in all Hoi-2/3/4/5 Universe.
Balanced for Multiplayer gameplay
Deep Realism/Historicity involve:
- First time in Darkest Hour! Total DH-Full Map mistakes fixing (correct terrain types, distances between provinces, connectings/disconnectings, Infra, ports/shores/airfields, straits and all other)
- First time in Hoi! All MP/IC/Resources based on real 1936-1941 economical statistics and mapped as accurately as possible
- First time in Hoi! Full Realism/Historicity in world's Oil Balance - Civilian Oil Consumption for all countries, Oil Concessions, historical synthetic fuel and rubber plants
- OOB, Generals, Ministers, Tech-Teams, Events for key 16 multiplayer countries made with incredibly deep precision, as historically as possible.
- First time in Hoi! Maximum of deep precision/realism in characteristics of Warships
- Deep Realism/Historicity in all other aspects
Also, excellent (fast Hoi-2 style) combat-mechanics and multiplayer gameplay/balance, based on over 10 years of Hoi-2 multiplayer experience.
Multiplayer Realism Mod fully supports and is balanced for great 6 vs 6 multiplayer regime: GER, ITA, SPA, HUN, ROM, JAP, MGO vs UK, CAN, AST, SOV, MON, USA, NZEL.
As well as smaller 4 vs 4 regime without JAP and USA, and also classic 1 vs 1 Duel Germany vs USSR.
Our DH-multiplayer Discord:
Join us!
Play DH-Multiplayer!
Over 10 years of Hoi-2/DH-Light multiplayer experience, now on DH-Full platform!
From multiplayer gamer for multiplayer gamers!
Actual Final Version 5.42, check-sum ZDGP (December 2022). (You need to get true ZDGPcheck-sum, before to play!)
for Darkest Hour v.1.05.2
Nick's WW2 Multiplayer Realism Mod (Legal Censored Version 5.42) here:
Download LEGAL CENSORED Mod version 5.42 (press button "Скачать")
Unzip it to your Darkest Hour\Mods folder
Made in English and Russian languages.
This is legal Censored version!
All hard jokes and images which may be forbidden in your Country have deleted!
(the previous topic with my Mod was banned on paradoxplaza for such violations)
Original DH-Full Map contain hundreds(!) of absurd, epic errors that irritate and interfere comfortable playing.
At this moment total terrain type mistakes fixing is fully compleeted in:
All Europe, USSR, North Africa, Near East, Japan, Korea, Phillipines, China, Manchuria.
Total mistakes fixing of distances between provinces and connectings/disconnectings is fully compleeted in:
All (!) provinces from Berlin to Urals, France, Holland, Belgium, west German border.
New Map fixing in 5.34 version!
All provinces of Libya, Egypt, North Sudan, Palestine, Syria, Portugal, Spain are totally checked and fixed in all aspects (correct terrain types, distances between provinces, connectings/disconnectings, Infra, ports/shores and all other)
New Map fixing in 5.38 version!
All provinces of UK, Italy, Turkey and all east Europe regions, and all seazones around Europe are totally checked and fixed in all aspects.
New Map fixing in 5.39 version!
All provinces of Scandinavia, Finland, Iraq and Iran are totally checked and fixed in all aspects (correct terrain types, distances between provinces, connectings/disconnectings, Infra, ports, shores, airfields and all other)
New Map fixing in 5.41 version!
All zones located in/north of the line: Japan-Philippines-PagoPago-Hawaii-West Coast of USA. are totally checked and fixed in all aspects (correct terrain types, distances between provinces, connectings/disconnectings, Infra, ports, shores, airfields and all other)
New Map fixing in final 5.42 version!
All provinces of China and Manchuria are totally checked and fixed in all aspects (correct terrain types, distances between provinces, connectings/disconnectings, Infra, ports/shores, airfields, climate and all other)
I know nobody will read long-reads with main conceptions of Mod, so I'll give some screenshots here.
'No wars Human vs AI before 1 sept 1939 !' multiplayer Conception.
12 people get together to fight against Human Intelligence, not to waste their time for killing stupid AI.

Maximum of deep historicity in all aspects.
The World on 01.01.1936 made AS IT REALLY WAS - territories/geopolitics, MP, IC, resources, OOBs, merchant fleets and all other
India during WW2 was not a separate state !
Oil is the blood of war !
All countries have civilian oil consumption !
80% of all world's oil belongs to the Anglo-Saxons !
Typical oil concession agreement provided that only 20% of extracted oil remains to the state where it was extracted.
If you really believe that Venezuelan oil belonged to Venezuela then you are a dreamer or Hoi-games-developer.

The exact historical values of MP, IC, resources and all other.
More realistic free market concept.

Beijing belonged to China not to Japan !

Each ton of resources is accurately calculated and mapped.
25% of all rares is Rubber, the remaining 75% are 13 key rare metals

I'm WW2 Navy fan.
I hate rough mistakes in characteristics of warships in games!
Therefore no one Hoi-game has such deeply, precise, accurately and qualitatively made characteristics of warships as my Mod have!
- 6 new types of sea brigades !
- 7 main naval Powers (UK/USA/JAP/GER/ITA/FRA/SOV) got their true unical racial Destroyers with realistic characteristics!
- New realistic mechanics of flexible control of warships parameters. Player can now quickly exchange the Cruising Range for Speed (for Destroyers) or for SeaDefence (for cruisers and battleships)!
- German and British battlecruisers/battleships now can flexible reduce their firing distance down to their heavy cruisers firing distance. (useful feature for multiplayer naval tactics!)
- Player as UK have ability to combine 20 obsolete/trash British light cruisers into 10 more stronger/useful units of 2 trash cruisers in each. (may be useful feature for multiplayer)
The SeaAttack parameter based on:
- average weight of the main guns broadside per minute
- APC armor penetration
- APC Bursting Charge
- APC Muzzle Velocity
- sometimes the deterioration of guns and excessive shell dispersion are also taken into account
The SeaDefence parameter based on:
- the thickness of the main armor belt.
- the angle of the main armored belt.
- effect of shell's tip destruction in some armoring schemes
- angled armored deck
- internal anti-shatter bulkheads
- the quality of the belt armor.
All game-parameters of warships:
- SeaAttack
- SeaDefence
- Hit Points (based on SeaDefence, this aspect is used only in my Mod, not in Hoi-2/DH!)
- Organization (based on armoring)
- AirAttack (AA guns of each warship are carefully calculated and roughly estimated in strength)
- AirDefence (based on AirAttack and armoring)
- Speed (by the way, do you know that all ships in all Hoi2 games move on Map at 55% of their max speed?)
- Daily Fuel Consumption (so, it should be recalculated exactly for 55% of max speed, for each ship. Difficult work.)
- Cruising Range (this also requires smart approach and much calculations)
- Number of crew (yes, the only easy parameter to find and set )
- Supplyconsumption (based on Number of crew)
...are not taken from the sky, but carefully investigated, calculated and correctly setted for each warship!
Undoubtly, this is the most high-quality, deep and accurate implementation of warships ever made in all Hoi-2/3/4/5 Universe!
All warships got the most correct/realistic characteristics.

Total DH-Full Map mistakes fixing (correct terrain types, distances between provinces, connectings/disconnectings, Infra, ports/shores, straits and all other)
Correct/realistic connections/disconnections in difficult terrain systems - mountains/deserts!
The Caspian sea now is transportable!

Total checking/fixing of distances between provinces (key points coordinates) in main war theatres.
No more absurd '5 km' distances between provinces and hundreds of other epic fails !!

Total checking/fixing of distances between provinces (key points coordinates) in main war theatres.

Hundreds of additional important historical events!

New much more realistic Lend-Lease concept!
Also, exact implementation of the "Cash & Carry" Program.

No more 1914 and 1950-1960 techs!!!
Maximum of WW2 techs!
Improved system of technological components - each type of technologies has really unique set of components and you can not equally successfully study, for example, computers and radars by one techteem.
A lot of new techteems.
No more Rheinmetall/Krupp/Mauser researching the Staff of Divisions as in all other Hoi-2 games! (facepalm)
General Staff or Generals do it!

Stop to rape Alan Turing for all cases!
Britain has other geniuses!

No improved Air Engines = No improved aircraft!

Special multiplayer events for convenient multiplayer.

Classic Hoi-2 multiplayer problem - African coast is painted in gray.
(If the Reds will cut the connection between the Greens and the Grays - Grays will get great problems with supply across the sea, if they have not enough convoys)
In my Multiplayer Mod this multiplayer problem is not a problem:

Fu**ing Reichskommissariats now really WORK !!
I have played DH-Full only one time (tested before beginning my moding) - and I found that mechanic of the Reichskommissariats in USSR not work!
At this moment I made 2 main Reichskommisariats - Ukraine and Ostland. Now they REALLY WORK!
The gray zone between them is the Belarussische Partisanen Zone - it have increased percentage of resistance, antibonuses and is uncontrolled by Reichskommissariats.

Unique racial characteristics for some units.

''Atlantis'' !
Rule the legendary raiders!

Thousands pages of Wikipedia studied, 40 additional minister's types added, all ministers and 3-5 level generals of key 16 countries was checked and fixed to more reality perks and skills.

First time in Hoi - correct historical realisation of Denmark ('not-in-war puppet') and Bulgaria ('not-in-war ally') !

I remind that my gang of 3-5 old experienced Hoi-2 multiplayer veterans is interested in finding the same team of 3-5 experienced Hoi-2/DH multiplayer veterans for an exciting joint Game!
Me and my guys don't play primitive casual MP games.
We play only serious big smart Games, with carefully pre-game preparation (testing countries), Team Strategy, high-quality Multiplayer Rules, and finally only at high-quality Multiplayer Mods.
The World sensation!
The main Event of 2020!
Even more Realism&Historicity in Hoi from Grandpa Nick !
The newest Mod Update! FORGOTTEN HEROES​
November 2020
Mod Version 5.39, check summ ATGK
More than 800 top-generals of WW2 have been thoroughly researched and got their true skills and perks!
A lot of undeservedly forgotten WW2 heroes were rehabilitated and returned up from oblivion of 1-2-3 levels of the Vanilla Game!
And of course some unduly overrated generals have sunk to the bottom.
Important Warning!
After testing a game with realistic/historical generals, it will be very difficult to go back playing with the old, boring, unrealistic generals, you do it at your own risk!
Description of the main improvements of new Update:
1. Maximum Realism&Historicity of the generals.
The last time I worked on improving the realism of generals was 5 years ago. Undoubtedly my Generals were made better than in vanilla, but since then my ideas and my concepts have changed a lot and the quality of my generals has ceased to satisfy me.
So I decided to re-check all the top-generals (3-5 lvl) again and bring them to maximum possible realism.
Of course, setting of skills and perks for generals, in any case, is a very subjective exercise and can be controversial. Of course, I do not claim that exactly my version of skills and perks are the absolute truth.
But I claim that all skills and perks were set, based on the facts, on the basis of a thorough study of the combat path, successes, failures, combat awards and promotions.
With all the subjectivity of assessments, basing on the facts of the combat biography of generals, undoubtedly gives a much more realistic result than the strange unrealistic/random distribution of their skills and perks, as in a vanilla game.
To get acquainted with each General, I studied all 3-4 separate Wikipedia pages on English/German/Russian and sometimes Ukrainian for all generals. And ofcourse also Ita/Spa/Hun/Rom Wikipedia for their generals.
Different Wikipedia may have very different texts, different facts, different estimates, and this is very useful for an objective assessment.
I also used some Russian electronic encyclopedias for Soviet generals and this resource for studying all German generals:
And that's not all. I didn't limit myself to Wikipedia ratings, I studied cross-references with descriptions of concrete battles in which Genaral participated, in order to understand better his contribution to the result of these fights.
I think this was the first such in-depth study of such a huge number of WW2 generals for the purposes of the gaming industry.
Yes, this is what happens when a game is making for fun, not for profit.
At the moment, have been checked/fixed:
all 3-5 levels and many 2-level generals of Germany, USSR, Britain, Italy, SPA/HUN/ROM/CAN/AST
Jap and Usa Generals will be done later, after I finish USA modding. USA is still not completed.
Sorry for the long boring text, here are some screenshots:
Examples how top-generals look now:

Some examples of the forgotten in Hoi-2/DH heroes:



A few comments about my concept:
- Generals got Terrain perks in case if they had at least some local successes/achievements on this type of terrain.
- I give the Logistics Wizard perk mainly for having a higher military education such as the General Staff Academy.
If there is no higher military education, then this perk is given only in the case of real amazing achievements in the speed of movement or the quality of supplying. Almost all 4-5 level top-generals have this perk, which is logical. Of course, top SS-generals also have this perk even without higher military education, because they got the advantage of improved supplies.
- Butcher (was Assaulter) and Counterattacker are "bad perks", as these combat events cause increased MP losses. They are found in large numbers in Soviet generals and very rarely in German.
But these two perks serve as an identifier for SS-generals. If you see a German General who has only a "bad combat-events perk" and no good one, you can surely put him on the SS-division :)

I remind that evaluating of generals' skills/perks is a very subjective exercise, and I am always open to criticism and alternative estimates.
2. Boosting Intelligence above 10 level now makes sense!
Hoi2 is so deep Game that even after 12 years it is difficult to know everything about it.
It's a shame to admit, but despite 10 years of multiplayer games, I just now accidentally found out that Intelligence above 10 level does not improve protection from enemy Intelligence. *falespam* :)
I.e. all levels above 10 are practically useless in Multiplayer!
OK, late is better than never!
I immediately fixed this misunderstanding, and now it is profitable to boost Intelligence above 10 level even in Multiplayer Games.
All main MP countries got events for additional bonuses for 14-16-18-20 Intelligence levels.

3. Efficiency of transport aircraft was fixed and set to maximum Realizm.
I also fixed another old flaw in the vanilla game.
I always knew that the efficiency of transport planes is too low, but I postponed studying this issue.
Finally, I got into it.
Based on the Demyansk Pocket statistics, I have set the correct/realistic efficiency of transport air Units.
To do this, it was necessary to increase this efficiency by 10 (!!) times compared to vanilla!
Now 1 transport unit (it consists of 120-140 Ju-52 in my Mod) can historically supply 100,000 people (6 divisions with brigades) in automatic (day or night) regime.
0 # 0 = disabled by default, 1 = enabled by default
7.0 # !!! was 0.8 !!! # Starting missions efficiency. Valid values: 0.05 to 10.0
4. Russian winter 1941-1942
I found the air temperature charts for 1941-1942 winter in Russia and based on them set the exact dates of the beginning and end of frosts. Also was set special anti-bonuses for Germany and USSR for this period.

I tried to adjust the game parameters so that the German and Soviet losses from frostbite and other diseases were close to realism.
Among other things, for this purpose, the Attrition Severity Modifier was increased 4 (!) times compared to vanilla DH.
# Attrition Severity Modifier
2.0 # 0.5 # 0.05

5. Maximum Realism in the ratio of wounded returning to the front.
After studying all the materials I could find for Ger/Sov/UK/USA, I set the most correct parameters for the "Trickle-back factor" (starting value and effect of new technologies)
In Hoi-2/DH this coefficient means - How many wounded soldiers return to the front after treatment, of all battle-losses.
(At the same time, while studying historical statistics, it is important not to forget that not all cured soldiers return to the front, many remain disabled.)
# Trickle-back factor for manpower from losses in battle.
0.25 # 0.3 # 0.15 # 0.2 # 0.35 ### 0.25 + 20% = 0.3 ger 45% from 70% (or 50% from 60%) = 0.3 in 1941 / sov 75% from 66% = 0.49 in 1944
In 1939-1940, according to various estimates, Germany had approximately 70% of wounded out of all 100 percent of combat losses and approximately 45% of them returned to the front. (or 50% from 60% by another estimates)
In other words the current total trickleback factor in 1939-40 should be approximately equal to 0.3.
All countries got the same Trickle-back coefficients, and only USSR, according to realism and historicity, got event with additional bonus.

6. A bit update/fixing in Germany and Italy OOBs
It seems that now, after 7 years of work and searching, I can finally claim that I made the most accurate OOBs on 01.01.1936 that have ever been implemented in games, especially for key MP countries - Ger/Sov/UK/Ita/Jap.
Although of course it is never possible to be sure of 100% accuracy, I am always open to criticism and new information about OOBs.
The only country in Europe that OOB I haven't checked deeply yet is France, I'll try to do this later.
Also added new - Finland gets historic 1941-OOB by event, after the end of the Winter War.
7. Scandinavia/Finland, Iran and Iraq got maximum realistic Map!
I continue my titanic work to check/fix vanilla DH Map, full of ridiculous epic geographical errors.
This time the territories of Scandinavia/Finland, Iran and Iraq have been totally checked and brought to maximum Realism!
As usual, provinces were carefully checked by old WW2-era military Maps and modern Google-Maps and got correct terrain types, distances between provinces, connections/disconnections, Infra, ports, shores, airfields and all other.
Yes, I'm an absolutely crazy guy, I even was not lasy to draw icons of ports, airfields and beaches on their real geographic visual locations or close to it as possiple :)
Lol !
Now I can mock all Hoi-Maps, just need to see if Bergen has a ground airfield, which in reality was not there, ahah. :D
(Note: Unit in Frederikshavn blocks the Strait for enemy fleets.)

Sirya/Iran/Iraq also are very important region for big Multiplayer Games.
An interesting discovery, the provinces Zahedan and Gwadar in WW2-era had no road connections (and even today this area looks difficult to pass, although today they are connected by two roads).
This fact has a significant impact on usual multiplayer gameplay.
How about trying a WW2-Game on the real WW2-geography, instead of a Fantasy World, with fantasy geography that only vaguely resembles our Earth?;)

Additional Map improvements for Multiplayer Gameplay!
Gibraltar and Suez now are connected to the nearest sea-provinces (instead of Straits!).
Now 1 damn enemy paratrooper will not be able to block(destroy) 60 British transports with 60 British divisions in the Strait, retreating after the heroic defense of these Straits!

8. A lot of other special Multiplayer improvements!
Germany got new events for forced purchase of resources from the Allies in peace-time.
Available only in Multiplayer.

Germany got new events for forced supply from Hungary and Romania in 1936-1937.
This is convenient if there are not enough players for Hungary and Romania.
Available only in Multiplayer.

I remind that my gang of 3-5 old experienced Hoi-2 multiplayer veterans is interested in finding the same team of 3-5 experienced Hoi-2/DH multiplayer veterans for an exciting joint Game!
Me and my guys don't play primitive casual MP games.
We play only serious big smart Games, with carefully pre-game preparation (testing countries), Team Strategy, high-quality Multiplayer Rules, and finally only at high-quality Multiplayer Mods.
The World sensation!
The main Event of 2021!
Even more Realism&Historisity in Hoi from Grandpa Nick !
The newest Mod Update! 50 SHADES OF NAVAL MAGIC
September 2021
Mod Version 5.40, check summ WULC
Shortly, the main revolutionary changes:
- 6 new types of sea brigades!
- 7 main naval Powers (UK/USA/JAP/GER/ITA/FRA/SOV) got their true unical racial Destroyers with realistic characteristics!
- New realistic mechanics of flexible control of warships parameters. Player can now quickly exchange the Cruising Range for Speed (for Destroyers) or for SeaDefence (for cruisers and battleships)!
- German and British battlecruisers/battleships now can flexible reduce their firing distance down to their heavy cruisers firing distance. (useful feature for multiplayer naval tactics!)
- Player as UK have ability to combine 20 obsolete/trash British light cruisers into 10 more stronger/useful units of 2 trash cruisers in each. (may be useful feature for multiplayer)
- Total rechecking/fixing of all warships of the main 7 countries, with wide and flexible use of new brigades.
All game-parameters of warships:
- SeaAttack
- SeaDefence
- Hit Points (based on SeaDefence, this aspect is used only in my Mod, not in Hoi-2/DH!)
- Organization (based on armoring)
- AirAttack (AA guns of each warship are carefully calculated and roughly estimated in strength)
- AirDefence (based on AirAttack and armoring)
- Speed (by the way, do you know that all ships in all Hoi2 games move on Map at 55% of their max speed? )
- Daily Fuel Consumption (so, it should be recalculated exactly for 55% of max speed, for each ship. Difficult work.)
- Cruising Range (this also requires smart approach and much calculations)
- Number of crew (yes, the only easy parameter to find and set )
- Supplyconsumption (based on number of crew)
...are not taken from the sky, but carefully investigated, calculated and correctly setted for each warship!
Undoubtly, this is the most high-quality, deep and accurate implementation of warships ever made in all Hoi-2/3/4/5 series!
All warships got the most correct/realistic characteristics.

(Then there will be a big boring text, wich can be interesting only to crazy fans of WW2 warships.)
The main concepts of implementing the real characteristics of warships in Hoi-2 game-characteristics:
The SeaAttack parameter in my Mod based on:
- average weight of the main guns broadside per minute (for big BB guns 356mm and over, fire rate is taken as const = 1.5 per/min)
- APC armor penetration
- APC Bursting Charge
- APC Muzzle Velocity
- sometimes the deterioration of guns and excessive shell dispersion are also taken into account
Undoubtedly, the Hoi-4 has much more potential for impleminting these warships characteristics, because there are separate parameters for Armor Penetration, separate parameters for the main and auxiliary Guns, and separate parameter for underwater attack.
But I tried to take into account and fit all these aspects into the compressed Hoi-2 format - in a single parameter wich we have in Hoi-2 - SeaAttack.
And since Hoi-4 still have not such crasy warship-fanatic-modder as Me :p, my implementation of the warship characteristics at this moment, no doubt, is the most accurate, careful and realistic in all Hoi-2/3/4/5 Universe, even despite that it made at more simplified Hoi-2 platform.
(I wrote this passage for random Hoi-4 players, in case if they suddenly read this. ;) Yes, I specially bought Hoi-4 this spring to check and make sure that all Hoi-4 Mods claiming to have realistic warships, still contain tons of epic fails in warships characteristics. :p)
Well, so, here is the brilliant Nick's Formula for the systemic calculation of the SeaAttack parameter for Hoi-2 warships mechanics :)
For Battleships (cruisers have a bit different formula):
SeaAttack = Broadside per Minute/450kg +- Armor Penetration Bonus +- Bursting Charge Bonus +- Muzzle Velocity Bonus
- Armor Penetration Bonus is +-1 SeaAttack for each 25mm of Armor Penetration difference from 305mm (of WW2 British Armor) Penetration at 20km distance (i.e. 305mm AP = 0 Bonus)
- Bursting Charge Bonus is +-1 SeaAttack for each 3kg of Bursting Charge difference from 15kg Bursting Charge. (i.e. 15kg = 0 Bonus, 18kg = +1 SeaAttack)
- Muzzle Velocity basically, it is already taken into account in the Armor Penetration parameter. But nevertheless, in the case of difference from the average typical speed of 760-790mps, I give +-1 bonus for measuring "accuracy"/'flatness" of the shells trajectory.
For example, let's use this formula to calculate the SeaAttack of Colorado battleship in my Mod:
(8 guns x 1.5 fire rate x 1016kg shell)/450kg + 3 SeaAttack AP Bonus (375mm/20km AP, according Okun tables) + 0 Bonus for Bursting Charge (15kg) + 0 Bonus for Muzzle Velocity (770mps) = 12200/450 + 3 = 27+ 3 = 30 SeaAttack.
SPOILER However, I have approached Realism/Historicity so carefully in many nuances, that you first have to replace old worn-out guns before your Colorado gets her true WW2-SeaAttack value:

Why there are taken exactly these values of the coefficients in formula?
Because I had to choose such values for the formula coefficients of SeaAttack and SeaDefense, so that they would give a logical realistic result - If the ship's guns can actually penetrate the main belt of their opponent by 20 km, then the game parameters of the SeaAttack should be higher than the enemy's SeaDefense, since in the Hoi-2 game mechanics, exceeding the SeaAttack over the SeaDefense gives an additional damage.
And I managed to achieve that in 95% of cases this logic is not violated! Which was not easy, given that the Hoi-2 does not have a separate "Armor Penetration" parameter.
For example, the main opponents of the Colorado - Japanese battleships have 26 (Fuso/Ise) and 27 (Nagato) SeaDefence.
Thus, Colorado in the game can "penetrate" her Japanese opponents, as it should be in reality.
On the other hand, Pennsylvania has 25 SeaAttack and does not "penetrate" the Japanese from 20 km. Everything looks quite realistic.
The only rough violation of realism in the penetration are the British battlecruisers Repulse and Renown.
They have large guns with high penetration, but they have only 6 of them. Therefore, their SeaAttack is lower than the opponents SeaDefense, although in reality they should penetrate them. And these two exceptions cannot be made correct in Hoi-2 mechanics without separate Armor penetration parameter.
But in other cases, I achieved realism not only in the damage of warships, but also in their armor penetration.
Well, let's now look at the calculation of the SeaDefense parameter.
SeaDefence parameter in my Mod based on:
- the thickness of the main armor belt. ( 25mm of Armor roughtly = 2 SeaDefence, but not always and not linearly!)
- the angle of the main armored belt. (Angle cofficient = 1/Cos(BeltAngle' + 14') - 0.03)
- effect of shell's tip destruction in some armoring schemes
- angled armored deck (this armor thickness summed with main armor belt with 1.0 coefficient)
- internal anti-shatter bulkheads (their thickness is summed with 0.5-0.7 coefficient)
- the quality of the belt armor. (it is used very rough, because I really do not have deep knowledge and info in this aspect. Roughly speaking, the armor of all old battleships before 1930 building, as well as the armor of all Japanese battleships, is multiplied by 0.9 koefficient in my Mod. British WW2 armor from Okun tables is taken as "standard" with 1.0 koeff)
In general, the calculation of SeaDefence is not as linear as the SeaAttack parameter - after evaluating the approximate equivalent thickness of the side armor, the SeaDefence parameter can be slightly adjusted according to the SeaAttack parameters of the main opponents of this warship, for better realism/historicity.
The Cruising Range parameter is obtained as a result of deep and time-consuming research and calculation.
The final estimated Cruising Range has been reduced for all ships by about 25%, this simulates the fuel consumption for doing their combat missions!
- Cruising Range of Cruisers = Max Cruising Range x 0.75 koeff
- Cruising Range of Destroyers = Max Cruising Range (no redusing koeff!)
(In my Mod conceptiion, additional 25% of Fuel for combat missions Destroyers take from their Battleships or Carriers in the open sea! I.e. Cruising Range of Battleships and Carriers calculated for 0.5-0.8 tons of Fuel less!)
- Cruising Range of Battleships = Max Cruising Range with redused at 0.5-0.8 tons Fuel capasity x 0.75 koeff
- Cruising Range of Carriers = Max Cruising Range with redused at 0.5-0.8 tons Fuel capasity x 0.70 koeff
Undoubtedly, warship's Gurus can argue with this my concepts, because the theme of warships and their in-game implementation in general is very complex, debatable, subjective and can have different points of view.
Of course, I am open to criticism and comments from warships Gurus/Experts who can find and point out my possible mistakes and misconceptions.
But the main thing is that I created a Concept for simplified Hoi-2 Platform that more or less correctly takes into account all these many parameters of warships and according to which all warships in my Mod are calculated and setted, so warships parameters are not taken randomly from the sky, as in the other 99% of Hoi-cases.
Next, there are my developer diaries, where I described new Sea Brigades and new warships mechanics..
New naval conceptions in next mod version!
We have a saying here - "appetite comes with eating".
And this very accurately characterizes my current modding.
After creating one new additional sea brigade... I realized that I don't want anymore artificially to limit my warships modding... and create 7 (!) additional new sea brigades! :D
And this is despite the fact that in my modding I firmly adhere to the principle of Occam's Razor and try never create empty/insignificant gameplay elements.
But these 7 additional sea brigades are that Minimal Minimum that I need, for more deeply and accurately implementation of warships with the most accurate "personalization" of their combat characteristics.
(At the same time, I do not use the "floatplane" brigade, I believe it is absolutely pointless excess)
And I'm going to write about these new sea brigades.
1. Additional Fuel Capacity for Warships
2. Additional Fuel Capacity for DD and Cruisers
Detachable = NO
The first two brigades are absolutely simple, primitive, logical, but at the same time very necessary for the exact implementation of the differences between ships, even of the same class.
Standard brigades, which are available to build by players, increase the Range of sailing by +500 kilometers.
(distances on the Map in Hoi-2/HD-Full mechanics are measured in kilometers (!), also ship's speed on the map is measured in km/h (!), not in knots, as it is mistaken written in the game interface. The Game mechanics know nothing about knots, it use only km/hours both - at the land and at the sea)
Also, these brigades have many sub-levels that can not be built by the player, but are used for the most accurate personalization of warships that already exist at the start of the game, these levels can have 500-1000 km bonus and other fixings.

3. Speed/Range control
Detachable = YES
Time/Cost = nothing
The third sea brigade, also is about Range/Speed/Oil, but it is more flexible and can be attached only on Destroyers.
This brigade allows player to control the speed of Destroyers, exchanging the Speed for the Range.
At the same time, the player does not need to attach/detach these brigades to many destroyers every time - it is activated or deactivated in one click.
This new mechanic allows more efficient use of old thrash Destroyers, with a short cruising Range.
Their Range may not be enough to escort modern high-speed battleships/cruisers/air-carriers.
But they may successfully escort old low-speed battleships over long distances, because they can sail as slowly as these old battleships, which significantly increases the cruising range of Destroyers (roughtly 1.5 more Range).

Here is a boring lecture about the Speed/Oil/Range in reality and ship's moving speed on the game map, which you can skip:
SPOILER As I said before, the game uses only km/h.
The ship's speed parameter does not mean its maximum speed in knots, as it mistakenly seems, but it's real ship's speed on the Map in km/h.
I've done a lot of saling-test between very different points on the world Map, both on Hoi-2 and DH-Full Maps, and I've come to the conclusion that on both Maps the ships are moving at about 60% of their maximum possible Speed.
Yes, fluctuations can be very significant in both sides, apparently this is due to artificial map restrictions, but the average value for all maps is about 60%.
It looks like this is a hard-set parameter and it can't be changed either in Misc or in the weather/terrain modifier file.
But this is absolutely the right choice, if I myself would set ship's speed on the map, I would also choose the 60% speed, as the most optimal and realistic. This is a compromise between maximum 100% speed and an economical 30% speed.
60% ships speed on the Map means that ships consume only about 17% (!) of fuel, compared to if they would moving at 100% maximum speed.
Here is rough approximate graph of the theoretical dependence of Fuel Consumption on ship's Speed, which I was able to make on the basis of data from different ships of that period:

Thus, average destroyers with maximum speed of 35 knots, move on the Map at speed: 35 x 1.85 x 0.6 = 39 km/h.
Old battleships with maximum speed of 20 knots move on the Map at speed: 20 x 1.85 x 0.6 = 22 km/h.
(Yes, as you can easily see, this is why in my Mod all ships have 2-4 speed value (10%) more than their "maximum speed in knots".)
Thus, to escort old Battleships, we need to reduce the speed of Destroyers from 60% (39 km/h) to 34% (22 km/h)
Based on the graph, we can see that such reduction of speed will cause about thrice reduction in fuel consumption in theory.
For old low-level destroyers with 3000 km Range, this means increase at +2000 km in theory.
But in practice, it is likely to be somewhat smaller, so I set the Range increase as +1500 km.
Well, how it works:
High-speed Destroyers limit the fleet's range to their 3,000 km.

Player activates the Speed Reduction:

Voila, fleet's Range increased to 4500 km.

Player can turn back Destroyers Speed at any time he want:

What I can finally say?
It's, damn, very sadly, that all these 14 years of playing Hoi2 I didn't have such mechanic!
But as we say here - "late is better than never".
4. Boosted artillery of Destroyers
Detachable = NO
Some countries will be able to build brigades of boosted artillery for their destroyers.

Especially terrifying looks the Japanese destroyers with boosted artillery and with 3 launchers of their imba-torpedoes:

5. Universal large-caliber AA artillery
Detachable = NO
Some countries will be able to build Universal AA artillery brigades for their destroyers:
These brigades also can be used for accurately implementation existing Light Cruisers. They can increase both air attack and sea attack:

6. Improved naval artillery
Detachable = NO
This brigade will be used to fine adjustment of the sea-attack of large existed ships of the same class/level. Not buildable.

More Naval Magic in next version of Mod will be!
1. "Protection for Range" Exchange
Most of modern large ships of WW2 (cruisers and battleships) had the following feature - at "maximum" fuel load, their underwater protection decreased, at "normal fuel loading" (when voids remained in the underwater tanks), protection against underwater explosions (torpedoes and mines) increased.
from USN commanders reference table:

This can be really useful gameplay feature, so I implemented this in game.

How useful it can be to exchange temporarily -500 Range for +1 Sea Defense?
For the battles of cruisers, if the Attack of the enemy cruisers exceeds the Defense of your cruisers, +1 Defense means around -10% damage reduction, received by your cruisers.
Not much, but not so few. If you currently don't have a need for maximum Range, why not to increase the potential of your cruisers at 10%.
At the same time, player can return to the "maximum fuel load" of their cruisers at any time:

Also, such separate decision will be made for battleship hulls, where Sea Defence will increase by +2.
2. Reduced Firing Distance for battleships and battlecruisers! :D
Yes, this is what I missed all these 12 years of playing Hoi-2 MP!
I'm sad, I did not invent this much earlier, but late is better than never.
So, why to reduce the firing Distance of battleships and battlecruisers?
It's easy!
Just remind this classic old Hoi-question: "To build or not to build?" this two..:

I often had to abandon the completion of the Scharnhorsts, because in Hoi-2 mechanics they can not be effectively used together with the heavy cruisers available at the start, because of their higher Fire Distance.
Although it's always quite sadly to delete warships that already have construction progress. :confused:
Britain also has several battlecruisers that you may want to add to your heavy cruiser fleet, but this is inefficient also because of their higher Firing Distance.
Therefore, I created an additional, alternative type of Fire Control brigade, only for Germany and UK, which does not increase, but reduces Firing Distance!

At the same time, both types of "Fire Control" brigade are aviable to build!
They are absolutely equal, only instead of +2 Distance, alternative brigade give -2 Distance to Germany (the same Distance, as your 3 Pocket Battleships have )
Player can, very flexible, - to build, install, upgrade and swap any of these two brigades - standard or alternative - to his large ships.
This provides the player to use more flexible configuration of his fleets.

You may always disable these alternative brigades and even delete this decision (as all other "warships" decisions) permanently if you are not going to use it.

Of course it would be much easier to just add -4 Distances to the existing brigades (as Speed or Range) but there is no such command in the "event commands" file. :confused:
If someone knows the "secret" commands, how to change the values of the Distance and Shorebombardment parameters, I would be happy to know it.
But for now, I was forced to implement this mechanic in a more complex way, through additional types of brigades.
3. German/Italian Destroyers true Fuel/Range
Until now, I have limited myself to implementing accurate unique historical characteristics only for large ships - cruisers, battleships, aircraft carriers.
It was impossible to make an exact implementation of all possible destroyers having only 5-6 DD-levels.
After creating of many new naval brigades, now this mission became achievable and I engaged in the exact implementation of all destroyers of key countries.
After creating the "normal" USA/Jap/UK destroyers, I moved on to the destroyers of Germany and Italy.
It turned out that they are seriously different from "normal" ocean-class destroyers.
It turned out that the German and Italian destroyers had significantly worse fuel efficiency (2.6 Oil per day instead of 2) and, accordingly, significantly worse cruising Range (-2000 km!).
For countries experiencing a shortage of Oil, destroyers, consuming a lot of Oil is a really sad case. :confused:
The Range in the Mediterranean theater of operations is not so critical, but it would also be nice to increase it.
For comparison, the "normal" US/Japan/UK 1938-Destroyers have 4500 km Range, destroyers of Germany/Italy of the same 1938 have Range only 2500 km.
So I created an additional decision for Germany and Italy, that allows player to exchange Speed for Range and Fuel economy. (in addition to the Cruise-Control brigade).
Player will be able to reduce the Speed of all German and Italian destroyers from 35 to 28, which would make the speed equal to the speed of their slow main ships - old Italian battleships and German pocket battleships have 28 speed.
This significantly reduces Oil Consumption (from 2.6 to 1.6 Oil/day !) and increases Range (+800 km).

As you can see - both options for reducing the speed of destroyers are available (-14 or -7 knots), but you can activate only one of them, while some decision is activated, the alternative option is not available.

From the other features of the German and Italian destroyers, I can say that Italian destroyers turned out to be shit do not have any unique additional brigades, but, as compensation for the reduced Range they will have discount on their IC-cost and this is also good racial feature.
German destroyers also will not have any unique additional brigades, but Sea Attack and AA-attack of all new German destroyers will be increased by +2 without using brigades, which will allow to use all 4 available brigade-slots for other standard brigades.
4. Japanese torpedo cruisers
Just little cherry on the cake.
For the glory of Atmosphere, Historicity and Realism!
Just look at this crazy creation of the "dark Japanese genius".
You still haven't seen this in Hoi, or even in World of Warships.
But this will be in the next version of Nick's Mod!

In 1941, the Japanese rebuilt their two trash cruisers into "torpedo" cruisers, carrying 40 torpedo tubes instead of artillery. o_O
Since the Japanese in my Mod will have unique racial oxygen imba-torpedoes, these two cruisers, after rebuilding, will have more Sea Attack than their old trash artillery have.
These two cruisers will initially have two fake brigades with zero stats.
Player can either remove these brigades, if he doesn't want to convert the cruisers into "torpedo" cruisers.
Or Player can historically upgrade these two fake brigades into full-fledged Long-Lance Torpedo Brigades and get 2 exclusive historical "torpedo" cruisers, with the better Sea Attack.
Upgrading of two fake-brigades in process...

Upgrade completed... Sea Attack +4 more, Sea Defence -2 (oxygen imba-torpedoes had an increased risk of deadly explosion under been fired by enemy ships).

Wow! Suddenly, "pumpkin turns into a carriage" and we see 3 green oxygen imba-torpedoes instead of fake blue brigades!
70-level Naval Magic! :D:D

Final Mod's update!
December 2021
Multiplayer Realism Mod is fully completed.
----------------------------------- Make America Great Again ! ----------------------------------- The most accurate USA implementation ever made in Hoi!​
17 years after the release of the Game, only now you can finally take and play as the USA - AS THEY REALLY WAS in WW2 era!
The USA was the last country I had to make to complete the Mod.
Finally, this work is fully completed!
It is quite paradoxical that for 17 (!) years after Game realize nobody wanted to make correct USA, so this work had to be done by a Russian guy.
Well, as the motto of the Soviet Airborne Forces says - "Nobody, But Us".
If there is no one else to make true correct America in WW2, then I did it.
Now everyone can enjoy the real, not fake America in WW2, so welcome to enjoy it - from Russia with love!
Make America Great Again is:
1. Correct economics!
Forget the insane -80% US peacetime IC, as in usual Hoi2/DH!
-80% IC is a Fallout World, the USA after the nuclear bombing!
USA was an economic monster, with economy equal to Germany, England and USSR all together.
The effect of the Great Depression can be estimated as -20% in 1936 and additional -5% in 1937.
So -25% IC in 1937 is maximum, but not insane -80% IC!

2. Correct Resources, correct balance of Oil and Rubber!
I have not been engaged in the exact mapping of resources on the map of USA in each province, but the total number of resources is aligned with real data.
Unlike other countries, the Civilian Oil Consumption for the USA is realized not as an "off-map daily deduction", but just was deducted from total US oil production, that is only the amount of oil remaining after Civilian Oil Consumption is mapped. (4500-4000 = 500 drops of oil per day is mapped)
Also, Oil Concessions bring to USA additional 635 free oil per day input.
Thus, the USA is Energy, Iron and Oil monster, and unlike typical Hoi2/DH, this huge amount of resources is available for export already at the very beginning of the game in 1936, since now there is no that insane "-80% anti-bonus", which cuts not only IC but also resource extraction!
Also, USA has cardinal difference from all other countries in terms of Rubber Consumption. In reality, USA consumed half of all (!) rubber in the world!
The standard coefficients of Energy/Metal/Rares in Hoi2 are not able to take this unique case into account, so the huge overconsumption of rubber is implemented as "off-map daily deduction" and it changes over time, according to historicity.
In WW2-era 80% of all world's oil belongs to the Anglo-Saxons !
Typical Oil Concession Agreement provided that only 20% of extracted oil remains to the state where it was extracted.
If you really believe that Venezuelan oil belonged to Venezuela then you are a dreamer or Hoi-games-developer. :D

3. Correct Manpower!
Due to historically large number of "supply/rear personnel" in UK and US Armies, their MP growth rate and their total number of MP have been changed (reduced by half !) compared to other countries.
P.S. This is the only historical nuance that I did not introduced by myself, but dirty stole from colleagues. :rolleyes:
I thought about including the rear/logistics troops in total MP balance only after reading Lord Rommel's comments.
Well, now this aspect is implemented.
Also, note that "daily MP growth" in wartime for all countries should be about 11-50 times (!!) greater than the daily MP growth in peacetime (due to the lack of schedule planned demobilization of conscripts in wartime!).
If your Hoi2/DH havn't 11-50 times difference of MP growth in peacetime/wartime, just know you are playing a game with wrong, unrealistic MP.

Also for Britain, their Indian off-map addition MP growth was re-calculated more accurately, also taking into account 1 to 3 ratio of rear personnel.

4. Additional historical options of using excessive Supplies.
Thanks to trade, USA have large surplus of Supplies in pre-wartime, so special repeatable Decisions have been added which allow to use Supplies for reducing Dissent and even for additional IC-building!

5. Much more realistic Lend-Lease concept.
In Reality, Lend-Lease weapons do not fall from the skies!
By my Lend-Lease concept this weapons and supplies are produced in Game at private factories (i.e. "invisible" part of free-market IC!) in America and costs money, a lot of money! But Lend-Lease not reducing your basic IC, since it produced by "invisible freemarket IC", which American capitalists are building with your money, which you spend for Lend-Lease.
Four Lend-Lease chains of Events have been implemented, in maximum accordance with historicity:
- "Cash and Carry Program" USA to UK (not lend-lease)
- Lend-lease USA to UK
- Lend-lease USA to SOV
- Lend-lease UK to SOV

6. Most accurate US OOB!
In addition to the most accurate implementation of US Navy, which was done in the previous Mod update, now Land and Air OOB also have been restored with maximum accuracy and quality.
My special pride - for the first time in Hoi, America got totally accurate Airforce, with correct HP (number of squadrons in unit), which are even dislocated in true historical provinces.
As you can see, this is not 6 traditional air units like in vanilla Game, but 18!
This means that I'm not lying and really Make America Great Again! :)

I am crazy perfectionist, therefore all historical airfields where all these 18 air units are located, are even visually mapped in their real places, not randomly as on vanilla map!

Some of initial Air and Land divisions, according to historicity, transform into other types of units

Initial square infantry divisions with an increased number of personnel, later will be eventually transformed into standart triangular divisions.

7. Unique units!
Like some other Majors, USA also got several unique units - Land, Air and Navy.
The chain of events, step by step, changes American Armor Divisions according to historicity - from bulky and clumsy units to modern and flexible.

Infantry, Mustang P-51, Lockheed PV Ventura, lightweight tank destroyers - also realised as unical Units.

Several unique cruisers with Firing Distance like destroyers have (to strengthen 'only-destroyer' fleets) can be built only by Decision.

8. 'Fleet Problems' (naval exercises).
Historical annual naval exercises in pre-war time give some bonuses.

9. High-quality implementation of all ministers and tech-teams.
As for all other MP countries, all american ministers and tech-teams have been thoroughly studied and got their realistic levels and traits.

Creating historical ministers requires a smart approach.
It is not enough just to read Wikipedia and give to ministers their historical traits, it is also necessary to made them that they have to be not completely useless but at least have a chance to be used.
Especially if they actually held ministerial position, it is important that the player does not want to change them immediately, after Game starts.
This is quite smart and creative task.

10. Total Map fixing in key battle areas!
As usual, vanilla DH Map contains tons of ridiculous errors in all aspects - terrain types, distances between provinces, connectings/disconnectings, Infra, ports/shores, Air/Naval bases and all other.
I have not been engaged in fixing the Map of the continental USA. But I have carefully checked and fixed the Map of the main theater of operations in Pacific Ocean - the zone located in/north of the line: Japan-Philippines-PagoPago-Hawaii-West Coast of USA.
For the first time in the history of Darkest Hour, now you can enjoy the game on the adequate, correct Pacific Ocean Map, without tonns of mistakes of thousands (!) kilometers in Distances.
Also, a huge number of fake naval/air bases and even small ports that did not exist in 1936 were removed from the Map, terrain type/infra and coordinates of all islands was checked and fixed, some ports and shores were moved visually and connected to the correct sea zones.
Alaska with its islands is an important area in Multiplayer game, was totally checked and fixed, taking into account Multiplayer nuances.
Just so you know - until 1943, Alaska had no connection with Canada!! These are impassable territories, but not a highway along which the Japanese can freely walk in any direction, as is done in the vanilla Map, *facepalm*.
In general, really now for the first time in DH, you have the opportunity to play on an adequate Map of the Pacific Ocean, where all that absurdity and madness of vanilla Map has been totally removed or fixed.
Just so that you can imagine what mistakes in the distances there are on the vanilla Map.
3,500 km instead of 500km between two neighboring provinces! o_O
And there are plenty of them!

Some islands are even visually out of place.
Unfortunately, I have zero skill in the graphic programs, therefore I can't remove this ridiculous, fake Iwo Jima from the Map.

Totally checked and fixed area of Map:

Not only correct visual mapping of ports and shores and their connections to correct sea zones, but even convenient/clickable visual mapping of port and airfield icons! Top quality of true historical modding from Nick! :p

Some island groups made not only just realistic, but also made smart, taking into account Multiplayer balance.Some island groups made not only just realistic, but also made smart, taking into account Multiplayer balance.Some island groups made not only just realistic, but also made smart, taking into account Multiplayer balance.

True Alaska!

The most ridiculous design in vanilla DH Map is the ugly 'pop-up window' (!!) made for the God-forsaken island, where were NO any military bases at the time of the Japanese invasion, and where only 47 (!!) people at all.

Total rework and fixing of the Philippines Map!
Now all historical landing zones of Japan and the US troops in WW2 are mapped (shores/ports) as accurately as the map design allows.
Everything else has also been fixed - distances, terrain types, infra. Naval bases and airfields also was placed correctly in their true zones.

11. Others
- The Japanese and American generals were made by me 5 years ago and therefore they are not made as totally deeply and accurately as the European generals were made in recent Mod's updates. But nevertheless, they made more correctly and accurately than in the vanilla DH.
- French land OOB have been checked and fixed to historicity
- some other fixings of game balance and other nuances.
I have completed the last country for my Mod and thus my mission is complete.
With my titanic 7-year work to achieve maximum Historicity/ Realism in Hoi, I wanted to show that people who love global strategies about WW2 are not obliged to play that absurd antirealistic rubbish that the game developers put on sale.
There is another way, there are other possibilities, we should have a chance to play high-quality games about WW2!
I tried to set the point of maximum quality in historicity/realism in WW2 global strategies which could be aspired to.
I tried to set a high point for WW2 Historicity/Realism that players should demand from game developers!
In my opinion, modders should be involved only in creating Alt-Historical Mods, but the standard basic WW2 Realism/Historicity should be implemented by the game developers themselves, and they should do it qualitatively and with respect to the players and to the history of WW2, so that players do not need to correct tons of ridiculous absurd mistakes after them!
I would like every new global strategy about WW2 coming to the market to be made at least with no less quality and accuracy than my Mod !
With this, I'm goint to taking a rest, until any new global strategy about WW2 appears, which would be at least no worse than the greatest and still not surpassed by anyone Hoi-2/DH.
Auf Wiedersehen, until better times.
I remind that my gang of 3-5 old experienced Hoi-2 multiplayer veterans is interested in finding the same team of 3-5 experienced Hoi-2/DH multiplayer veterans for an exciting joint Game!
Me and my guys don't play primitive casual MP games.
We play only serious big smart Games, with carefully pre-game preparation (testing countries), Team Strategy, high-quality Multiplayer Rules, and finally only at high-quality Multiplayer Mods.
Feel free to download here:
If you are interested in such Games - contact me! :)
If someone plays exclusively against the AI does the mod work, or should I skip it?