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New HOI2 ARMA mod - Cross of Iron

Writer's picture: BunkerBunker

Not often that we get a mod for the mother of the HOI2 series. You will need HOI2 Arma or HOI2 Complete or HOI2 Platinum to install this mod. You can buy HOI2 Complete on currently at a discount of -75%. Link below:

Some notes by the modder Czudak:

This mod is aiming at polishing and refining the Iron Cross experience by including tons of improvements in any area possible, be it linguistic, graphic, or mechanical.

Nevertheless, it also focuses on Iron Cross' certain quirks that set it apart from the other similar titles everyone already knows.


  • new, smoothness-oriented layout scheme(s)

  • new flags, counters, icons, and shields

  • numerous bugs fixed

  • renovated technology windows

  • several restored technologies

  • "fully technically texted" technologies (that had some weird "descriptions" before) with new pics

  • spades of corrected pictures for ministers, leaders, and tech teams

  • revised texts (but English only!)

  • increased performance thanks to the custom wrapper (quite a lot, I say!)

  • emphasized strengths in the forms of massive, vanilla-oriented HoI2 maps, permanent "focus" technologies, no historical technology cap penalties, or 100% "sissy fit accurate" events all the time

  • ongoing, continuous support

  • non-mangled English language support only (for maximum compatibility)​

The original Iron Cross was brought out in 2010 and was an official Paradox game (I think was around $15) but developed by IRSHAPPA ID. Seems to be have been some falling out between the two and the game was then withdrawn from gamersgate etc a few years later.

However it was for years manitanied alone by one guy called @quintelosky . If you're still around, please respond to your fans! Over.​


I was lucky enough to get a sneak peak and played the mod for a couple of hours and you can see from the screenshot the look and feel is very 'clean' and minimilistic.

Everything is clear in the user interface and as per Iron Cross it features one more zoom level. Which AOD and DH and original HOI2 did not have. It really helps when you have many small provinces like this map. Also units are descriptive and not nato counters, I soon got used to that difference.

Big difference is the tech tree which is not time depedent and no nerfs for early researching. Its been complely redone and has many interdepences.

See screenshot below:

I would say production looks very similar to HOI2 games:

I've yet to get to combat as the game scenario starts at 1933 but I will follow up with a further review. But so far it really looks very promising. Please do check it out and if you like it please give Czudak support on his patreon here:

The mod is uploaded to paradox here:

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